To minor in Biology students must successfully complete a six-course sequence that consists of the following:
Required, Core Courses (2):
Introductory Biology (Mechanisms of Life I and II): BIOL 105/115 and 106/116
Elective Courses (4):
The four elective courses may be selected from the list below. Some courses may have prerequisites.
BIOL 223 Microbiology
BIOL 418 Physiology
BIOL 449 General Microbiology
BIOL 454 Biochemistry
BIOL 555 Rational Drug Design
BIOL 559 Cell Structure and Function
BIOL 563 Developmental Biology
BIOL 565 Model Organisms and Human Disease
BIOL 566 Immunology
BIOL 574 Virology
BIOL 579 Principles and Practice of Biotechnology
BIOL 580 Entrepreneurial Biotechnology
BIOL 581 Essentials of Biotechnology Project Management
BIOL 583 Regulatory Processes for Domestic and Global Biotechnology
BIOL 586 Molecular Genetics and Recombinant DNA
BIOL 596 Computational Genomics
BIOL 597 Fundamentals of Statistics in Biology, Medicine, and Biotechnology
BIOL 598 Membrane Trafficking and Disease
BIOL 599 Signal Transduction and Biomembranes
In addition to this list of electives, it may be possible to substitute other courses, provided that they are officially approved by the Department of Biology. Students seeking such approval should submit a request by email to Ms. Ficke (ficke@cua.edu), providing the name and number of the course, the school at which it is to be taken, a catalog description of the course, and a copy of the syllabus. The student should also stipulate the reason for wishing to substitute this course for one of the standard electives.