Our faculty is actively involved in research areas covering a variety of topics in biology, especially the major sub-fields of microbial, cell, and molecular biology. Faculty research is supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Every tenure-track and tenured professor in the department has received research funding from the NIH. This reflects the high-quality research being pursued by our faculty. Below are some of the research topics our faculty are pursuing and in which they have expertise.

John Choy: Mechanisms of Genome Stabilization
Ann Corsi: Developmental Biology
Marion B. Ficke: Microbiology
Ekaterina M. Nestorovich: Biophysics of Ion-Conductive Nanostructures
Franklin Portugal: Biotechnology
Rui Zhang Moore: Mechanisms of Genome Stabilization
Venigalla B. Rao: Viruses and Bacteriophage Biology
Pamela L. Tuma: Hepatic Cell Biology in Health and Disease, Chair